International Students, Inc. Boise
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International Friendship Friday Dinners

Once or twice a month, we meet to have dinner together on a Friday.  We give everyone a ride to an American home, have a home-cooked meal (with vegetarian options) and talk over dinner.  Then we'll play some fun games and then break into smaller groups to discuss a topic together.  We want to learn from each other, share about our culture, and get to know each other well!

A student from Spain said "I really enjoyed the Friday dinners and the discussions we would have afterwards.  The topics were really good and thought-provking." 


International Friendship Friday Activities

Several times a month, we do a fun activity in Boise together, either as a big group, or as several small groups.  It's a chance for you to get off campus and experience fun activities that are part of American life!  We even provide rides for everyone who needs one.  Think of it like VIP Access to America!

We also do frequent smaller group activities for people interested in soccer, photography, hiking, shopping, learning to shoot a gun safely, tennis, Bible discussion for interested students, drinking coffee, visit an American church as a cultural observer, and a trip to an ethnic market.  All of these are parts of experiencing American culture that students have been interested in, and we want you to have the chance to do as much as you want to!  Contact us if you're super-interested in one of these, and know that you won't *have* to do any of them: they're optional and not part of our normal Fridays! 

Here's some pictures from our group:

Hiking the historic Oregon Trail

Hiking the historic Oregon Trail

Horseback riding

Horseback riding

Ice Skating

Ice Skating

Boise Balloon Festival

Boise Balloon Festival





Archery lessons

Archery lessons

Friendship Partners  

Interested in getting to know an American or American family for friendship?  We have Americans who are interested in becoming friends with you!
Apply, and we'll match you up with an American or American family that you can get together with about twice a month, as it fits your schedule and theirs.  You'll talk, experience Boise together, and get to know them well.

A Brazilian students said that a Friendship Partner is "someone to share your best memories, to support you, and makes a huge difference every time you meet."

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Monthly Wednesday International Student Dinners

Dinner near campus, with pool, ping-pong, and games afterwards! 

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